Our Package Details


For the last 5 years the Roots of your Faith tour has been our most popular fully escorted Christian Israel tours. This 5-star deluxe tour leads you through the Holy Land, where you will visit the most important Biblical and historical sites, as well as modern Israel. You will enjoy our 5-star hotel accommodations, full buffet breakfast and dinner every day, sightseeing with our renowned tour guides, transfers and much more.


Our tour includes a full-day itinerary! Most tour companies tour half-day only.

Enjoy a luxurious stay at our 5-star hotels.

Our tour includes daily breakfast and dinner. Enjoy the most delicious and fresh local cuisine.

Walk where Jesus walked, our tour is life-changing and affordable.

All entrance fees are included. Enjoy the sightseeing and don't worry about buying tickets or hidden fees.

Everyone stays at the same hotel, which means more time for touring!

This tour is led by a government licensed tour guide, expert in Biblical and historical sites.

This tour is exclusive to America Israel Tours, designed and operated only by us!

Ahlan Wa Sahlan! Welcome to Jordan!


Arrival at Amman Airport at 5:45 PM

Amman City is mentioned in the Bible as Rabath Ammon in the story of King Og (Duet 3:11). After visa formalities at the airport we drive to the capital city Amman for a traditional Jordanian Lunch at the hotel.We check-in to our hotel and take rest as we prepare ourselves for this journey of a lifetime. Evening we have a get together where we get to know the fellow group members. Time of bonding and knowing each other.

(Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Amman)

After early breakfast, leave the hotel and travel south on the road to Wadi Musa. Then on horseback to the "Siq" (canyon) and then on foot to Petra known as "Sela Edom" or red rock city (Isaiah 2:10), the ancient capital of the Nabateans from 3rd century B.C. to 2nd Century A.D. Carved by the Nabataeans out of solid rock, Petra was forgotten for hundreds of years until it was rediscovered in 1812. At the entrance to Petra travelers are offered the option to ride a horse for 800m - from the visitor center to the entrance of the dramatic “Siq” (canyon). From the entrance to the Siq there is a 1,250 meters walk to the 1st monument “The treasury”. During the Exodus, Moses and the Israelites passed through the Petra area in Edom. Local tradition says that the spring at Wadi Musa (Valley of Moses), just outside Petra, is the place where Moses struck the rock and brought forth water (Numbers 20:10-11). Visit the most interesting monuments, such as the Treasury, El Khazneh (a tomb of a Nabatean king) then the field of tombs, obelisks, the altar, (Al Madhbah) from this point you can view the whole of the rock city, then back to Wadi Musa village.

Overnight Petra : including Full Buffet Breakfast.

(Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Amman)

After Breakfast we continue to Mt. Nebo, (Deut 34:1-7) the most revered site in Jordan. Mt. Nebo is presumed to be the site of Moses's death and burial place. On the top of the mountain is a Franciscan Church with beautiful 4th and 6th century mosaics. Visit the Serpent Monument near the Church. From a platform in front of the church you can take in a breathtaking view like Moses did, across the Jordan valley and the Dead Sea, across Jericho to the rooftops of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. This is also the place from where God showed Moses the Promised Land from a distance.

We then take a 2-hour scenic drive to the Sheikh Hussein Bridge at the Israeli Border. At the border we will be met by our representative who will guide us through the visa and immigration formalities. We move on to Nazareth, the boyhood town of Jesus and home of Mary and Joseph and visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, built over the grotto where Archangel Gabriel appeared to announce to Mary that she would bear a son, Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). We also stop by St. Joseph's workshop. We then drive to the village of Cana (John 2:1-11) where Jesus performed His first miracle, changing water into wine at the wedding feast. Take an opportunity to taste and buy the famous Cana wine. Our day tour ends at Tiberias, nestled on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus performed many miracles.

(Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Tiberias.)

Breakfast : After breakfast we ascend Mt.Tabor to visit the beautiful Church of Transfiguration (Mark 9:1-8) After that, get set to explore the charm and beauty of the blessed area of Galilee. We drive through the landscapes of Galilee to Capernaum - the center of Jesus' ministry (Matt.8:5-13); where we visit the Synagogue and House of Peter's Mother-in-law. We then stop at Tabgha - the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish, (Matt 14:15-20). Later we visit the expressive Church of the Beatitudes, where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:1-20). We make a brief halt at St. Peter's house, the Church of Primacy of Peter, and the place where Jesus bestowed St. Peter with His authority. (Matthew 16-19). This is believed to be the place where Jesus dined with His disciples. The flat rock known as Mensa Christ or Christ's table commemorates this event. Behind the church we get an opportunity to dip our feet in the Sea of Galilee. Later we proceed for a memorable boat ride on the Sea of Galilee in a replica of a Galilean fishing boat of the time of Jesus. It was this sea where Jesus calmed the storm and walked on water. The Lord also ministered in and around the Sea of Galilee.

Lastly, we visit the Jordan River and stop at Yardenit (Matt.3:13-17), the traditional baptismal site where St. John the Baptist baptized Jesus.

(Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Tiberias)

After breakfast we leave the city of Tiberias and travel to Haifa, Israel's largest port city, built on the slopes of Mt. Carmel. Visit the beautiful Persian Hanging Gardens for a breathtaking view of the city of Haifa and also the Bahai Shrine.

Lunch : After lunch we drive by Megiddo, the site of the last war of Armageddon. We will visit Mt. Carmel, the place where Prophet Elijah defeated 400 prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:20-40). After that, we will drive past Caesarea National Park and see the Roman Aqueduct and Hippodrome. We will then drive to Tel Aviv and do a city tour capped with a drive to Jaffa Port. We then enter Bethlehem. Bethlehem is in the Judah province (Luke 2:15). This is the place where the Angel announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds of Bethlehem during the reign of King Herod. Here David tended his flock until he was anointed King of Israel. Now we have the most memorable opportunity of all- a visit to the Church of the Nativity (the birthplace of Jesus). This church is one of the oldest continuously operating churches in the world. We visit the Manger Square, Shepherds Field, Crusaders Cloister Grotto of St. Jerome. After our day tour we stop at a Christian Souvenir store to buy olive wood souvenirs from Bethlehem.

(Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Bethlehem)

Breakfast : After breakfast we ascend the Mt. of Olives overlooking the Holy City of Jerusalem. We visit the Church of the Ascension, (Luke 24:50-51) which commemorates the ascent of Jesus to Heaven. The Pater Noster Church, (Matt 24:3) where according to the tradition, is the place of the cave where Jesus spoke to his disciples about the mystery of the end and gave them the Lord's Prayer (Matt 6:9-13). We walk down the Sunday Palm Road where we stop at the Chapel of Dominus Flevit, where Jesus wept over the imminent destruction of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41- 44). The chapel is built in the shape of a tear as a reminder to this event. We move on to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed when Judas betrayed him to the Romans (Luke 22:39-46). Take a look at the Olive trees in the garden which are more than 100 years old. Visit the Basilica of the Agony (Church of all Nations), which stands out from afar. We then visit Mt. Zion. Here we visit the Cenacle -room of the Last Supper (Matt 26:17-29) and the Tomb of King David. This is also believed to be the place of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). We also visit the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, which symbolizes Peter's Denial of Jesus (Luke 22:54-62) as He had prophesied at the Last Supper. We visit the House of the high priest, Caiaphas, where Jesus was imprisoned, the Pit (Dungeon) below the house of Caiaphas. In the afternoon we visit The Garden Tomb, to celebrate the resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15, Luke 24:6-7, Mark 16:5-7) with a time for prayer.

(Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Bethlehem)

After breakfast we visit The Western Wall, also known as the “Wailing Wall” or the “Kotel”. It is the most holy site in the world for the Jewish people. Located in the Old City of Jerusalem, it is the last remaining outer wall of the ancient Jewish temple. Thousands of people of all faiths journey to the wall every year to visit and recite prayers. Then we start the Via Dolorosa (Way of Grief) (Mark 15:1-47), traditionally accepted as the last route trodden by Jesus. Here we follow the 14 Stations of the Cross to Golgotha, the place where Jesus was crucified marking significant events along the route. We see Pilate's Judgment Hall; the Chapel of the Flagellation where the Roman soldiers scourged Jesus and placed a crown of thorns on His head. The last 5 Stations of the Cross are inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher built over the Golgotha, the place of crucifixion visible from the distance, with its two silver domes.

We then drive through the Jordan Valley past the city of Jericho and arrive at the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth. Float in the Dead Sea, experience the therapeutic waters of this saline lake, bathe in the mineral-rich mud.

(Dinner and overnight stay at a hotel in Bethlehem)

Breakfast : After breakfast we travel to Taba Border (Egypt) which is at the southern tip of Israel, a scenic 4.5 hours' drive. Along the shores of the Dead Sea view Qumran, the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Continue south to Sodom and Gomorrah and see Lot's wife's Pillar of Salt. We proceed via the beautiful city of Eilat situated on the banks of the Red Sea. We meet our representative upon our arrival at the Egyptian border and after immigration and visa formalities we drive to the nearby resort in Taba city located on the Red Sea

Lunch : After lunch, relax at the beautiful resort & spa. It has a spectacular view of the Red Sea turquoise water surrounded by the Gulf of Aqaba Mountains. Relax at the sandy beach of the Red Sea. Enjoy facilities at the resort as we spend the rest of the day here.

(Dinner and overnight stay in a Resort at Taba.)

After an early breakfast we start our journey by road in the land of Moses. Drive to the village of St. Katherine located in Sinai. Visit the famous Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19) where Moses received the Ten Commandments from GOD. Visit the famous St. Katherine Monastery at the foot of Mt. Sinai, the Moses Well and the ever-famous Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-6), a tree that is one of its kind in the whole world. Take an opportunity to pray and click memorable photos with the Burning Bush. We then start a scenic 6-hour bus journey to Cairo. On the way we stop to see the place of Rephidim (Exodus 17:8-13) and the place of Elim (Exodus 15:27). After lunch we visit the Springs of Moses (The Water of Marah) (Exodus 15:22-25) and see the place where the Red Sea had most likely parted. We drive through the Ahmed Hamdi Tunnel built below the famous Suez Canal and enter the African part of Egypt. We reach Cairo in the evening. After dinner in a local restaurant, we arrive at our hotel in Cairo.

(Overnight stay at a hotel in Cairo.)

After breakfast we visit the Pyramids of Giza, one of the only existing 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. Take an opportunity to click photos with the ever-famous Pyramids. We then visit the statue of Sphinx located near the Pyramids. Later visit the Pharaonic Village which is an outdoor leisure park themed around ancient Egypt and its pharaohs. Visitors wanting a relaxing and educational break from Cairo’s commotion come here to enjoy the re-enactments of ancient Egyptian life, mini-museums, replica buildings, and fun activities.

Lunch : After lunch we proceed to Old Cairo, where we visit an important church called the Abu Serge Church built on the house/ crypt where the Holy Family lived during their stay in Egypt. We see the crypt and the well, used by the Holy family. we visit shops of Egyptian Perfumes and Papyrus paper. Then in the evening we go for a 2 hours Nile Cruise to see the Folkloric Show and Dinner on board.

(Overnight stay in a hotel in Cairo.)

After breakfast we are transferred to the Cairo International Airport for our flight back to Mumbai.

After breakfast we are transferred to the Cairo International Airport for our flight back to Mumbai.



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 121505000945



Tour Payment Schedule :

1) Booking amount: Rs.19000/- Non-Refundable

2) 1st Installment : Rs.50,000/- by January 15, 2023

3) 2nd Installment : Rs.50,000/- by February 15, 2023

4) 3rd Installment : Rs.50,000/- by March 15, 2023

Included In Your Tour Package

Return Economy Class airfare inclusive of taxes Ex-Mumbai.

Travel Insurance up to the age of 70 (Indian Passport Holders only).

5% GST.

5% TCS (Claimable). - New sub-section (1G) to Section 206C has been introduced in the Budget 2020 which provides for TCS on sale of Overseas Tour Programme Package. As per this provision, every Seller of an Overseas Tour Programme Package is required to Collect Tax from the Buyer of such Overseas Tour Programme Package. This sub-section is applicable from 01st October, 2020. Read more.

Transfers: Escorted group transfers along with meet & assistance on arrival and departure

Professional government-certified licensed English speaking tour guides.

Jordan, Israel, and Egypt Border Taxes

Group Visa for Israel, Jordan and Egypt

All Meals: Buffet Breakfast, Lunch (Set Menu) & Buffet Dinner

10 nights in total at 3*, 4* & 5* Hotel Accommodation - 2 nights in Jordan, 5 nights in Israel & 3 nights in Egypt

All entrance fees and attractions as per tour itinerary

A special boat ride sailing on the Sea of Galilee

1 Bottle of Water every day (½ litre)

A/C Coach bus

Exclusions In Your Tour Package

Any expenses on the RT-PCR Test if required. If you are not Vaccinated.

Tips for Tour Guides and Drivers in Jordan, Israel and Egypt 50 US$ per person is to be given to the Tour Leader at the Mumbai Airport.

Cost of Meals other than those specified in inclusions.

Any upgradation in Airline class or hotel room category.

Any extra expense such as Route change, Airline change, Date change, Accommodation facilities etc.

Any expenses incurred due to the unforeseen, unavoidable force majeure circumstances during the tour

Any extra cost on food or drink which is not part of a set group menu.

Any extra cost incurred on behalf of an individual due to illness, accident, hospitalization, or any personal emergency.

Any services or activity charges other than those included in the group tour itinerary.

Scattered arrival and departure transfer & sightseeing.

Cost of foreign exchange for personal expenses.

Personal expenses.

Travel Insurance: If your age is above 70 Years (71-75 yrs= Rs. 3900/-), (76-80 yrs= Rs. 5900/-) extra will be applicable.

Child fare: 0-2 yrs= Rs. 15,000/-, 3-11 yrs = Rs. 1,49,000/-


Compare our 5 star hotels with any other Holy Land tour… America Israel Tours offers the best value and the best travel services! Our incredible hotels are another good reason to choose your Holy Land vacation with us and we include daily breakfast and dinners. (In the rare event that a hotel is overbooked, the group will be provided with an equivalent level hotel or higher.)

For More Informations

+91 9321153755

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00


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