Our Package Details

Why Christians Celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles

A Prophetic Statement : “And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.” Zechariah 14:16

The Bible describes the Feast of Tabernacles as the third of the three annual feasts which the people of Israel are commanded to celebrate in Jerusalem. During this Feast they recall the 40 years in the wilderness, as well as celebrate and rejoice over the ingathering of the harvest. Traditionally, the Jewish people identify the Feast of Tabernacles with the coming of the Messiah. And they welcome non-Jewish (Gentile) participation, according to the prophetic word in Zechariah 14 that all the nations would come up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Bible describes the Feast of Tabernacles as the third of the three annual feasts which the people of Israel are commanded to celebrate in Jerusalem. During this Feast they recall the 40 years in the wilderness, as well as celebrate and rejoice over the ingathering of the harvest. Traditionally, the Jewish people identify the Feast of Tabernacles with the coming of the Messiah. And they welcome non-Jewish (Gentile) participation, according to the prophetic word in Zechariah 14 that all the nations would come up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.

Thousands of Christians from more than 100 nations around the world come up to Jerusalem to participate in the annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration.

Come Join Us This Year For An Extraordinary Spiritual EXPERIENCE In Israel

Agriculture Tours to Israel (6 Nights & 7 Days Tour)

Tour Schedule

Check In / Arrivals in Tel Aviv

Flight Name: Turkish Airlines

Flight Arrival Time: 16:10

Entry Airport / Border: Ben Gurion Airport:

Meals Included: Dinner


Place: Tel Aviv

Hotel Name: Grand Beach Hotel Or Similar

Tour Schedule

Tour: Caesarea, Mount Carmel, Megiddo

Check- In Hotel in Tiberius

After Dinner - Event: Opening Night at Galilee

Location: Capernaum National Park Event Timing: 7 pm onwards

Meals Included: Breakfast and Dinner


Place: Tiberias

Hotel Name: Dona Gracia Hotel Or Similar

Tour Schedule

Tour: Capernaum, Tabgha, Mount of Beatitudes, Mount Arbel

After Dinner - Event: Second Evening Event at Galilee

Location: Capernaum National Park Event Timing: 7 pm onwards

Meals Included: Breakfast and Dinner


Place: Tiberias

Hotel Name: Dona Gracia Hotel Or Similar

Tour Schedule

Tour: Jordan River valley, Masada, Qumran, Ein-Gedi – swim at the Dead Sea

Event: Roll Call of the Nations

Location: Pais Arena, Jerusalem Event Timing: 7pm onwards

Meals Included: Breakfast and Dinner


Place: Jerusalem

Hotel Name: Jerusalem Gold or Similar

Tour Schedule

Event: Morning Feast Events at Pais Arena

Event Timing: 9 am onwards

Tour: Mt. of Olives, Palm Sunday Path, Garden of Gethsemane. Lions Gate, St. Anne’s Church, Way of the Cross

Event: Evening Event at Pais Arena

Event Location: Jerusalem

Event Timing: 7 pm onwards

Meals Included: Breakfast and Dinner


Place: Jerusalem

Hotel Name: Jerusalem Gold or Similar

Tour Schedule

Event: Morning Feast Events at Pais Arena

Event Timing: 9 am onwards

Tour: Southern Steps, Western Wall, Jewish Quarter, Cardo & Broad Wall.

Event: Evening Event at Pais Arena

Event Location: Jerusalem

Event Timing: 7 pm onwards

Meals Included: Breakfast and Dinner


Place: Jerusalem

Hotel Name: Jerusalem Gold or Similar

Tour Schedule

Event: Morning Feast Event at the Garden Tomb

Event Timing: Afternoon Jerusalem March

Jerusalem March Starting Location: ICEJ JERUSALEM MARCH from 1:30 pm Onwards. Starting Point Sacher Park - Jerusalem.

Meals Included: Breakfast and Dinner


Place: Jerusalem

Hotel Name: Jerusalem Gold or Similar

Tour Schedule

Event: Solidarity Rally in the Negev

Event Location : Negev Area

Event Timing: 9 am Onwards

Event: Prayer Vigil at the Pavilion

Event Location: Jaffa St 97, Jerusalem

Event Timing: 7 pm onwards

Meals Included: Breakfast and Dinner


Place: Jerusalem

Hotel Name: Jerusalem Gold or Similar

Tour Schedule

Full Day Prayer at Pavilion

Event: Prayer Vigil at the Pavilion

Location: Jaffa St 97, Jerusalem

Meals Included: Breakfast and Dinner


Place: Jerusalem

Hotel Name: Jerusalem Gold or Similar

Tour Schedule

Check Out / Departures from Jerusalem

Arrive Airport by: 11:00 AM

Flight Name: Turkish Airlines

Flight Departure Time: 14:20

Departure from: Ben-Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv

Meals Included: Breakfast

Check-Out of the Hote

Inclusions In Your Tour Package

9 nights’ accommodation in 3-star hotels Including breakfast and dinner.

ICEJ Feast Events Entry fees.

English Speaking licensed Israeli guide.

8 full days air-conditioned luxury bus services with WIFI.

Entrance fees as per the itinerary suggested.

Transfers to and from the airport for the group only.

Travel Insurance.

Israel Visa.

1 bottle of water every day.

Exclusions In Your Tour Package

Flight Fare to and from Israel.

Any expenses on the RT-PCR Test if required.

Tips for Tour Guides and Drivers in Israel 50 US$ per person for all 10 days.

Cost of Meals other than those specified in inclusions.

Any upgradation in Airline class or hotel room category.

Any extra expense such as Route change, Airline change, Date change, Accommodation facilities etc.

Any expenses incurred due to the unforeseen, unavoidable force majeure circumstances during the tour.

Any extra cost on food or drink which is not part of a set group menu.

Any extra cost incurred on behalf of an individual due to illness, accident, hospitalization, or any personal emergency.

Any services or activity charges other than those included in the group tour itinerary.

Scattered arrival and departure transfer & sightseeing.

Personal expenses.



Compare our 5 star hotels with any other Holy Land tour… America Israel Tours offers the best value and the best travel services! Our incredible hotels are another good reason to choose your Holy Land vacation with us and we include daily breakfast and dinners. (In the rare event that a hotel is overbooked, the group will be provided with an equivalent level hotel or higher.)

For More Informations

+91 9321153755

Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00


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